Best Cat Blankets

If you’re a cat parent, you already know how much kitties love snuggling into a warm blanket. Most cats of all ages will gladly spend time on or under a blanket for warmth, security, and comfort. That’s why there are a lot of cat blankets available these days. These products are designed for pet parents who want to give their feline companions their own soft blanket to use daily. And they can be a great way to enrich your pet’s environment while keeping your furniture in good condition.

5 Ways to Keep Your Cat Cool This Summer

Your cat feels the summer heat and needs relief from rising temperatures. Ensure your kitty doesn't overheat with these tips to keep her cool this summer.

How to Tell If Your Cat Has an Ear Problem

If your cat's been scratching at her ears, she may be trying to tell you something. Watch for these symptoms of ear infections.

Cool Kickstarter Makes Humans Useless To Cats

When you're away from home, are you worried that your cat is okay? A cool Kitty Kickstarter will give you some peace of mind when you can't be together!

Say Cheese to These Gorgeous Brides and Their Meow Maids

An Italian photographer has combined her passion for cats with her photography talent to create some beautiful (and furry) wedding pictures.

Best Wall Perches for Cats

You’ve heard of window perches for cats, but have you thought about wall perches? These will mount securely to a wall in your home, giving your furry friend another place to call her own.

How To Prepare Your Home For A New Kitten

That adorable ball of fur needs more than just "Ohhhhs" and "Ahhhhs" to be happy. Here's what you need to take care of before your new kitten arrives home.

Felix Cat Insurance Will Pay Your Engagement Ring – On One Condition

If you're ready to tie the knot, you should know that there’s a way to make this special occasion even more memorable – and get an engagement ring of your choice for free.

PyroPet Candles Burn Down Reveal A Cat’s Split Personality

A unique candle from PyroPet Candles showcases the duality of our feline friends with a surprise skeleton that literally comes out of the burning candle!

The Cat Question: To Microchip Or Not To Microchip?

Here kitty, kitty! Are you on the fence about whether or not to microchip your cat? Microchipping is quite popular as a means of reuniting lost pets with the…

Best Cat Food Storage Containers

Once you open your bag of kitty kibble, where do you store it? If you're looking for a solution, we've got our list of the best cat food storage containers.�

Why Do Cats Go Crazy at Night?

When the sun goes down, your cat is on the prowl... for madness and mayhem! What is it about the night time that brings out the friskiness in our cats?

Our Guide to the Best Cat Harnesses

Do you want to take your feline on some outdoor adventures? Then you’ll need a leash and harness designed for cats.

‘Unadoptable’ Cat Shares Special Bond With New Furever Family

There is a someone for everyone, and that's no better proven with the story of a special-needs cat and a little girl with whom he shares a special bond.

Cat Nerds Rejoice! CatConLA is Back and More Cat-tastic Than Ever

If being around hundreds of cats and their kitty-obsessed parents sounds like a dream come true, head on over to CatConLA for two days of purrfection.

Pussy Princess Celebrates Birthday With Cat Quinceanera

Why weren't we invited? A fabulous cat had an extravagant quinceanera to celebrate her 15th birthday, and the festivities have gone viral!

GoFundMe Campaign Helps Grandfather Care for Stray Cats

For the past 20 years, Willie Ortiz has been looking after stray cats in his hometown. Help him continue his work caring for these homeless pets.

Canadian Veterinarian Medical Association Opposes Declawing In Cats

The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association is taking a stronger stance against declawing cats, calling the procedure unnecessary and avoidable amputation. C…

How to Keep Your Cat Calm at Night

Felines are nocturnal, using the dark to explore. But you need a good night's sleep, which doesn't include your cat's midnight adventures.

3 Common Cat Training Mistakes

When it comes to training cats, you might not be sure where to begin. They aren’t like dogs, and they can be quite stubborn.

Top 10 Meanest Cat Breeds

It's not just a cliché - some cats are meaner than others. Stay on the good side of any of the kitties on our top 10 meanest cat breeds.

Understanding Your Cat’s Heat Cycle

If your kitty isn't spayed, you can expect your female cat to go through heat cycles. Let's talk about what it is and what to expect.

What Is Stomatitis in Cats?

Your cat may not be happy because she has stomatitis - a type of dental disease. But what is stomatitis and how does it stop your cat from smiling?

Vomiting in Cats: When to Worry

Yes, it's a gross topic, but it's an important one to talk about. Let's go over vomiting in cats and when you should be worried.

Scammer Shaves Regular Cats, Upsells as Rare Hairless Breed

A new Canadian scam involves selling 'hairless' kittens as Sphynx, but these kitties are actually common cats who have been shaved to the skin.

Ear Mites In Cats Lead To Serious Scratching

A common problem, ear mites in cats are an annoying and painful problem. These mites are tiny insects that live in the ear canal and pierce the cat's skin.

Two-Faced ‘Janus Cat’ Shown Mewing From Both Mouths [Video]

A cat with two faces, known as a Janus cat, was born in Chongqing, China - watch the video meowing from both of its mouths.

Woman Leaves For China While Her Cat Is Still Missing At Airport

The owner of a cat who escaped her carrier at JFK airport was sadly forced to leave for China, without her furry friend. An attorney who took a new job in Ch…

FDA Approves Mirataz, A New Weight Loss Control Medicine For Cats

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved Mirataz, a new drug for managing unintentional weight loss in cats.

This New Kickstarter Cat Toy Will Lead To Endless YouTube Videos

Meet your new favorite Kickstarter cat toy

Locals Outraged After Loitering Cat Banned From His Favorite Store

A convenience store in Bournemouth, England, has learned that banning a loved local cat may not have been the best business decision!

Shelter Cats Are Learning To High Five for the Best Reason Ever

In effort to increase feline adoption rates and raise funding for shelters across the country, Cat Pawsitive program introduces rescue kitties to training.

Cat Plays “Where’s Kitty?” In Viral Twitter Image

A viral Twitter image of a hidden cat has driven the Internet crazy wondering, “Where’s the kitty?” Can you find it? Twitter user Michael…

Couple Says I Do to 1,000 Feline Wedding Guests

A Montreal couple foregoes the traditional big wedding and instead, decides to have a ceremony surrounded by residents of The Cat House.

Why Are Cats So Protective of Their Bellies?

Have you ever rubbed a cat's belly? Chances are, that if you ever tried, you got a hiss and a paw full of claws for you troubles.

4 Ways You’re Annoying Your Cat

It's not a smart idea to piss off a pet that has no problem showing you her claws! Here are four ways you're annoying your cat.

Best Cat Litter

Check out our comprehensive guide on best cat litter the market has to offer: from clay and crystals to wood to grass and wheat, we've covered all of them.

Just What The Doctor Ordered: The Health Benefits Of Cats

Take two kitties and call me in the morning - it's just what the doctor ordered! Here are just of few of the health benefits of cats - bring one home.

Tosh.O Shows How Crowdsourcing is a Pain in the Butt for a Cute Kitten

Crowdsourcing for worthy causes is a common occurrence. Daniel Tosh recently highlighted a worthy one, and, if you don't donate, you're a butt-hole.

5 Awesome Spay and Neuter Feral Cat Programs

To help control the feral cat population, we want to highlight five amazing spay and neuter programs that may be available in your community.

Top 5 Gotta-Have-‘Em Cat Toys

Shopping for your cat is often more fun than shopping for yourself! If you're in a spending mood, check out our top 5 picks for must-have cat toys.

So Much Want: Plush Pussy Purses!

If you don't want a purse that looks like a furry cat with big balls anatomically private parts, then you might need to reexamine life goals.

Psyllium Fiber for Cats: A Natural Remedy for Constipation

Did you know that you can add fiber to your kitty's diet? Let's talk about psyllium fiber for cats and how it can help.

Feline Pregnancy: How To Care For A Pregnant Cat

Your kitty is going to be a mama! But do you know what to do to ensure your cat gets exactly what she needs during her feline pregnancy?

What Is FIV In Cats?

A virus that attacks a feline's immune system, FIV in cats is a disease that can easily be transmitted to your kitty. Here's what you need to know.

PetSafe Drinkwell Butterfly Water Fountain

Designed to not only rehydrate your smaller pet but actually entice him to drink more water throughout the day, the PetSafe Drinkwell Butterfly Water Fountai…

Cat or Dog? Only His Groomer Knows For Sure.

Is he a dog or is he a cat? Only his groomer knows for sure... which is a good thing, because his groomer happens to be his mom.

Could Your Cat’s Purring Have Healing Effects on You?

A cat's purr can melt the coldest heart. Did you know that your kitty's purring can be good for your health... and your feline's health?

Best Cat Food for Urinary Health

Cat food for urinary health contains everything a feline needs to have a perfect urine pH value, and, in turn, a reduced chance of urinary tract issues.

Popular Pesticide Permethrin Can Be Poisonous To Cats

It’s the time of year where we’re trying to keep the bugs off our bodies and our plants, but experts are warning that the pesticide permethrin is…

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Your Cat’s Bad Breath

What's that horrible smell? It's not coming from the end you think it is - you've got a case of kitty bad breath on your hands.

First Kitten On The Force Raises Right Paw For Swear-In

The cutest new crimefighter ever was just sworn in at the Troy, Michigan Police Department, becoming the first cat to join the force.

Best Dental Supplements for Cats

Say cheese! Keeping your cat's teeth clean is vital to her health. To keep those pearl whites shiny, check out our guide for the best dental supplements for cats.�

Cleaning Cat Teeth: A Guide to Dental Care for Cats

You need to take steps each day to be certain your cat's mouth is healthy. Here's a quick guide on how to keep those cat teeth clean and healthy!

Best Raw Cat Foods

Raw cat foods are a healthy alternative to commercial pet foods laden with artificial ingredients and cheap fillers that could seriously harm your pet.

Keeping Your Cat Stress-Free This New Year’s Eve

Even though New Year’s Eve is a fun-filled night for you, your cat might feel differently about it.

Experts Recommend Swiss Fat Cats Hunt For Their Food

Vets in Switzerland are concerned with the growing problem of 'fat cats.' According to new research, 20-40% of pets, cats in particular, are overweight.

Best Automatic Cat Feeders

Automatic cat feeders are heaven-sent for busy pet owners, picky pets, and cats that are on a special diet. These are the best 10 the market has to offer.

Studies Show Dry Food Linked to Feline Diabetes

A diet may not be the answer. A new study out of Sweden found that normal-weight cats fed a diet of dry food had an increased risk of Type 2 Diabetes.

Top 10 Fruits Cats Can Eat

Are there any fruits that cats can safely eat? Yes, there is, but it's always best to feed these treats in moderation.