Top 5 Invertebrates to Hire For Your Freshwater Cleanup Crew

Taking care of your aquarium is hard work - you need to bring in some extra muscle! Here are 5 invertebrates that you want on your freshwater cleanup crew.

Why I Think Aquarium Rock Collecting Rocks!

Are you into hard rock? Not the music... the kind you put in your aquarium! Here's what you need to know before adding rocks to your tank.

Daddy Dearest: A Look at Fish Fathers

Being a dad isn't easy - even when you're a fish! Fish fathers have an important role to fill when it comes to reproduction and caring for their offspring.

Freshwater Clams: An Underutilized Invertebrate

Does your aquarium have a couple of clams? You need to add a few to your tank – these invertebrates are for more than just show. When you think about c…

What’s Wrong With My Aquarium Plants?

Your aquarium plants aren't thriving; in fact, it looks like they're going to go belly up! Here are some common problems you'll see with aquarium plants.

Expand Your Saltwater Tank With a Refugium

Want tag on a new addition to your saltwater tank? With a refugium, you can add greater water capacity to your main tank for a host of benefits.

Best LED Aquarium Lighting Systems

What is the one thing that can immediately transform the look of a home aquarium? The right LED aquarium lighting system.

4 Most Common Mistakes New Aquarium Hobbyists Make

Hey, we all make mistakes. And when it comes to aquariums, there are a few common ones that new hobbyists are bound to make.

The Bobbit Worm: Your Saltwater Tank’s Loch Ness Monster

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into your tank, your saltwater fish start disappearing! A devious worm may be at the center of this mystery.

Best Aquarium Power Filters

When you're stocking your aquarium, don't forget about the right filtration for your tank. Here are our picks for the best aquarium power filters.

Fish RX: Hikari PraziPro Fights Parasite Infestations

What do you do when your fish get sick? Before or after parasites invade your aquarium, medicate your fish with Hikari PraziPro.

6 Popular Aquarium Fish You Need To Avoid

Just because a fish is readily available, it doesn't mean you should keep it in your own aquarium. Here are six fish that shouldn't be in your tank.

Take a Walk On the Wild Side of Bettas

Take a walk on the wild side! You know about bettas, but do you know about wild betta fish? Let's look at wild bettas that can be kept in an aquarium.

How To Speak Fish: More Than Just Blowing Bubbles

You may not hear it, but your fish have a way of talking to each other. Even though they don't make a sound, their actions speak louder than words!

Biotope Tanks: What Are They and How Do You Cultivate One?

Before you buy, have you narrowed down your choice of fish tank? If you're looking into freshwater, the Biotope tank may be just what you're looking for.

Heating Things Up With Eheim Jager Heaters

Not too cold, not too hot... you want to keep the temperature just right. Buying the right heater sets the right climate for the health of your fish.

Best Automatic Aquarium Feeders

We've put together some tips for choosing and using an automatic aquarium feeder and our top 10 picks for the best automatic aquarium feeders.

Daily and Weekly Coral Reef Tank Maintenance Schedule

You've set up your coral reef tank and it looks spectacular. But don't rest on your laurels - daily and weekly maintenance to make sure it stays that way.

What Plants Can I Pair With Plant-Eating Fish?

Your planted tank sure looks good... good enough to eat! Here's what you need to know if you don't want fish eating all of the plants in your aquarium.

Product Review: Hydor Professional External Canister Filter

Essential for a healthy aquarium, the right filter keeps water quality in your tank high. Is the Hydor Professional External Canister Filter up for the job?

Which is the Best Choice: Canister Vs Hang-On Filters?

One of the most important pieces of equipment you'll need for your aquarium is a filter. The canister or hang-on filter - which one is best for your needs?

Best Aquarium Stands and Cabinets

You can't just put a full aquarium on any piece of furniture - it has to be made to take the weight of your tank. Here are our picks for awesome aquarium stands and cabinets.�

Fishy Secrets Revealed: The Pros’ Most Embarrassing Stories

We all have those forehead-slapping moments when we make a stupid mistake. Hey, not to worry - even the most seasoned of fish pros have made a few missteps.

Best Aquarium Testing Supplies

Depending on what kind of fish you're stocking your tank with, you're going to need to test the water to make sure it's just right. Here are the best aquarium testing supplies to help you out.�

Putting Your Best Fin Forward at Aquarium Fish Shows

Have you ever been to a fish show? All aquarium hobbyists will want to attend one of these events to see the brightest and best fish strut their stuff!

What You Need to Know About the Nitrogen Cycle

The Nitrogen Cycle is important if you're interested in cultivating a thriving aquarium. Let's talk about the basics and why you need to know about it.

Best Betta Tank Decorations

Do you want to complement your beautiful Betta fish? Why not fill your aquarium with the awe-inspiring Betta tank decorations?

Best Aquarium Protein Skimmers

Keeping your aquarium water clean and clear is essential for the health and wellness of your tank inhabitants.�Here are our top picks for the best aquarium protein skimmers.

How to Tell If Aquarium Hobby Right for You

Keeping an aquarium is fun and rewarding - it also takes work. Do you have what it takes to dive into the aquarium hobby?

Coral Reefing: Choosing Soft or Hard Coral

When it comes to making a choice between soft or hard, it's not just a question for tacos. For coal reefing, are you going to go with soft or hard coral?

Cichlids: One Of The World’s Most Fascinating Freshwater Fish Specie

Colorful and plentiful, cichlids are a popular freshwater aquarium fish. If you're looking to add them to your tank, here are a few basics to keep in mind.

Best Supplies for a Betta Fish Tank

Known for their bright colors and long, flowing tails, betta fish are a great option if you're looking for a way to break into the aquarium hobby.

4 Best Types of Lighting Systems for Planted Aquariums

Got light? The right lights on your aquarium can not only make your tank shine, but it's also necessary component for plants to thrive.

Keeping Carnivorous Plants in Your Home Aquarium

Don’t let the name scare you off. Adding carnivorous plants to your tank can take your aquarium to a new level of uniqueness. When you are ready to s…

Top 5 Fast-Growing Aquarium Plants for Planted Tanks

If you're impatient for growth, you'll want aquarium plants that shoot up quickly. Take a look at these fast-growing aquarium plants for your planted tank.

Pros and Cons of Feeding Your Fish Live Food

What are you feeding your fish for dinner? If you're planning on feeding your fish live food, here's what you need to know about this type of diet.

Can You Sustain a Planted Tank Without a Filter?

You don't have fish in your aquarium, just plants. That means you don't need a filter, right? Here's why you may want to add a filter to your planted tank.

The Lowdown on Fish Laws

Are you guilty of breaking a fish law? Perhaps you don't even realize that what you've done is illegal. What you don't know may land you in hot water.

Choosing the Right Substrate for Your Aquarium

Let's get to the bottom of aquarium substrate! Depending on what kind of tank you set up, you need to choose the right substrate for it.

Why You’ll Want to Add Mystery Snails to Your Aquarium

Mystery snails are a welcome addition to an aquarium. Colorful and community oriented, these crustaceans will clean up after themselves and tank mates.

Tips for Keeping Fiddler Crabs in Your Brackish Tank

Fiddler Crabs make a wonderful addition to a brackish tank. Easy to care for and fun to watch, here's what you need to know about the fiddler crab.

Top 8 Best Aquarium Plants for Beginners

Welcome to the wonderful world of planted tanks! If you're just getting started, we've made a list of eight aquarium plants that are great for beginners.

Best Aquarium Hoods

Don't just think about the design of your tank - you also have to remember the practical elements. With that in mind, here are our picks for the best aquarium hoods.

Ich or White Spot Disease: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

One of the most common diseases affecting aquarium fish, Ich or White Spot Disease is highly contagious. More about the causes, symptoms and treatment.

6 Most Common Freshwater Fish Diseases

Just like any other pet, fish are susceptible to illness. If you have a tank, be on the lookout for these six common freshwater diseases.

Aquarium Biology 101: Anatomy of a Fish

We all know that a fish has gills and fins... but there's more to them than just a few basic parts. Get ready for our crash course in "Anatomy of a Fish."

What You Need to Know About Feeding Your Fish

A healthy fish aquarium starts with the right nutrition. There are many types of fish food on the market – which one should you choose? When it comes t…

Suck It Up: Python No Spill Clean and Fill Aquarium Maintenance System

Sucking up dirty water from your tank and filling it up with clean H2O can be time consuming. Let the Python Aquarium Maintenance System do the job for you!

Best Freeze-Dried Fish Foods

We're going to explore the subject of freeze-dried fish food in greater depth. You'll learn how to choose freeze-dried fish food, how best to feed it, and our top picks.

Best Light Fixtures for a Planted Tank

Bring out the best in your vibrant aquarium with the right lights. Here's our guide to the best light fixtures for a planted tank.

What Causes PH Changes and How to Fix Them

What's the chemistry like between your aquarium fish and the water they swim in? Keeping the pH of your tank water is a vital element to healthy fish.

What You Need to Know About C02 for Planted Tanks

Carbon Dioxide is an important element in your planted tank, and your plants need more than you think. Add extra C02 for a thriving aquarium.

Join the Club: The Eastern Betta Society

Want to join like-minded fish enthusiasts near you? The Eastern Betta Society in an online community where you can log in and talk betta!

Best Fish Food for Aquarium Fish

What do you plan to feed your fish? If you're just starting out with a tank, you'll want to choose the best fish food for aquarium fish.