
The Horror, The Horror -“Boston Terror” Animoji From Gucci Creeps

Gucci's new design isn't exactly what you'd expect from a fashion house. Get ready to scream when you see this Animoji, an homage to the "Year of the Dog."

Army Veteran Buys His Own Plane To Fly Shelter Dogs to New Homes

Retired Army veteran Paul Steklenski started a non-profit organization to fly endangered animals to foster homes that are waiting for them.

Study Shows Parks For Pooches Leading The Pack In Growth

It’s great to hear that large cities are increasingly going to the dogs… in an awesome way! Dog park popularity continues to rise, says the lead…

New Law Means Mexico Will Stop Euthanizing Retired Police Dogs

After serving your community bravely, you shouldn't be rewarded with death! That's what happened to Mexican K9 dogs - but now they can be adopted.

Picture of Pitbull Cuddling With Bunnies and Chick Goes Viral

The picture features a Pitbull hanging out with a chick on its head and a basket of bunnies has gone viral, and has people talking about the breed.

Philanthropist’s Pooch Motivates $2.5-million Donation To Veterinary

A couple's love of dogs motivated them to donate money to state-of-the-art surgical facilities for The University of Guelph's Ontario Veterinary College.

Need a Dog Fix? Bark’N’Borrow Can Set You Up With a Loaner

All by yourself? You don't have to be. Whether it's for a walk or slumber party, Bark'N'Borrow matches people who want to borrow a dog for a little while.

Is Your City Pet-Friendly? Here’s A List of Traits All Furball-Frien

Mars Petcare US's Better Cities for Pets™ program outlines 12 traits every city must have before it's considered to be a pet-friendly community.

Millennial Homebuyers Choose Homes With Their Pet in Mind

Survey shows majority of millennial homebuyers would pass up on their dream home if it didn't happen to meet their pet needs as well.

Therapy Dogs Land at Dallas Fort Worth Airport

Are you planning on heading to Texas? Trained therapy dogs at Dallas's Dallas/Fort Worth Airport are hoping to help ease some of the stress of flying!

Ellen Rewards Firefighters Who Pulled Dog Out Of Icy River With A Cari

Firefighters do more than just put out fires – they also jump into frozen rivers to rescue dogs. And when Ellen DeGeneres heard about a team of Wellesl…

Hundreds of Dog Statues Will Honor Fallen Police Officers and K9 Partn

If you're in Chicago this summer, be on the lookout for these touching displays that honors police officers killed or wounded in the line of duty.

Subaru Shares The Love With The Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation

Subaru's "Share the Love, Share the Vision" Campaign raises $27,348 for Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation, whose mission is to breed, trainand place guide dogs.

Chew, Chew on This: Pets on Trains Service Permanent on Amtrak

With Amtrak's pilot pet program a booming success, the train company has expanded its program. Commuters can ride with their pets on more corridor trains.

Brands Are Cashing In On Millennial’s ‘Fur Baby’ Trend

Pets are 'starter children' say 44% of millennials. Brands cash in on our love of pets, selling high-end products for our beloved fur babies.

Woman Covertly Smuggles Dog Into Hospital to See Sick Grandmother

A young woman swaddled her dog to look like a baby in order to cheer up her hospitalized grandmother, and the pics have gone viral!

Subaru And CPS Team Up For Next Round Of Pet Safety Product Crash Test

To ensure that pets are protected in cars, Subaru and Center for Pet Safety are out to raise awareness of vital safety measures and identify top crates and c…

Parvo Outbreak Worries UK Puppy Parents

A spike in the number of Parvovirus cases seen in puppies across England has owners on alert for signs of the deadly disease. In the United Kingdom, the dead…

Bachelor Alum on a Mission to Save Rescue Animals in Atlanta

If you needed reason to love Bachelor alum Lorenzo Borghese, the Italian prince is heading to Atlanta for the "Wheels and Wings" animal rescue event.

Presidential Pups Decorate the White House Lawn for the Holidays

First Lady Michelle Obama presented the official White House Holiday decorations to the public, and First Pups Bo and Sunny were not left out!

Nicole Miller Designs Pet Products to Benefit Puppies Behind Bars Prog

Nicole Miller has designed a new puppy line. All proceeds go to Puppies Behind Bars, an organization that trains inmates to help prepare service dogs.

Therapy Dogs Help College Students Deal With Stress

Are you stressing over your finals? A study suggests some quality cuddle time with a pooch might take that UNI- caused anxiety away.

Pest Control Companies Using Dogs to Sniff Out Bedbugs

The thought of bedbugs gives us the heebie jeebies, which is why we love the idea of exterminators using trained bed bug detection dogs.

Dogs Remember More Than They Let Us Believe

Because we don't speak dog, measuring what pooches can remember isn't easy. Now, researchers have proof that dogs have memory ability similar to humans.

Zappos Aims To Give Pets ‘Homes For The Pawlidayz’

For the second year in a row, Zappos has partnered with Best Friends Animal Society to sponsor "Home for the Pawlidayz" to help pets out of the shelter.

Former Marine Makes Puppy Pins To Support Disabled Veterans

A former marine who started a patriotic pin business has joined forces with a veterans organization to create dog pins that benefit a worthwhile charity.

These Teens Train Abandoned Dogs To Give Them A Second Chance At Life

What do you do when a few shelter dogs need proper training before finding a home? You send them to high school and give them a second chance at happiness!

Postal Carrier’s Special Delivery Includes Personalized Pooch Mail

Mailman and dogs can be the best of friends. This mail carrier out of Australia calls for a truce in the sweetest way EVER.

Marines Use Robotic Dog To Help Treat K-9 Service Dogs’ Wounds

Marine special operators are helping design a new robot dog that will help them take care of military service dogs wounded in combat.

Study: U.S. Pet Obesity Rates Continue to Rise

Americans aren't the only ones getting super-sized. For the past five years, obesity-related health problems have been the #1 pet insurance claim.

Study: Modern Dog Domesticated From Single Event 40,000 Years Ago

Researchers from Stony Brook University claim that modern dog was domesticated only once, anywhere from 20,000 and 40,000 years ago.

Terminal K-9 Cop Receives Fitting Farewell From Fellow Officers

When Kaiser, a 2-year-old German Shepherd who has served as a member the Plymouth (MA) Police Department's K-9 unit, was diagnosed with kidney disease, there was nothing that could be done for him.

Stray Dog Survives Greek Wildfires In Oven; Finds New Forever Home

The devastating wildfires in Greece have affected all the residents, including animals and pets. But one poor stray dog that was found cowering in an oven ha…

Dogs Now Allowed To Come Onboard Amtrak Trains

Amtrak is on the right track! The national rail company now allows small pets on the train - but it's only for a limited time and applies to certain lines.

National Search and Rescue Dog Training Facility Opens in California

A National Disaster Search Dog Foundation opens in Santa Paula, California, bringing teams from all over the US to train for real-life national disasters.

Indian Businessman Opens His Home to 700 Homeless Dogs

Stray dogs are a problem in all parts of the world. India is one such country, and one man has decided he's giving his life to the dogs of the streets.

Study: Dog Walking is Great Exercise for the Elderly

A recent study shows that older people who walk dogs have better levels of physical activity than those who are not dog walkers.

World Rally Champion Risks Title To Avoid Dog On Course [Video]

At Rally Mexico, Five-time World Rally Champion Sebastien Ogier avoided hitting a dog, risking his opportunity to win the race.

New Standards Set for Dog Breeders With Canine Care Certified Program

Purdue University's Animal Welfare researchers roll out their dog breeders' Canine Care Certified voluntary program, which is expected to improve breeding.

Kinetic Pet Eye Drops Recalled Due to Bacteria Contamination

Kinetic Technologies and Kinetic Vet has voluntarily recalled Hy-Optic, OptiVet and Optimend. This recall is the result of deficiencies in sterility.

Military K-9 Dogs Awarded Medals Of Courage

Four military K-9 service dogs were awarded American Humane Medals of Courage for their exceptional Valor during combat service.

Heroic Dogs And Their Humans Need Your Help to Get to US

Two dogs who serve United States Service Members have forever homes with their humans in America, but need help raising the funds to get them to the US.

New “Pig Perfume” Spray Stops Barking Bad Dog Behavior

No, it doesn’t smell like bacon, but “Stop That” spray may stop your dog from acting like a ham Sick and tired of your dog’s endless…

Most Epic Dog Resume Ever Gets Dog Hired as Professional Best Friend

Today's job market forces us to put our best foot forward. Turns out that one pup had some human help putting her best paw forward with an adorable resume!

Warning: 86% of Car Pet Restraints Fail CPS Crash Tests

The Center for Pet Safety put pet harnesses to the test and the results are unsettling. Even if you're buckling up, chances are it won't protect your pooch.

Study Says Millennials Pick Furbabies Over Human Babies

Pets over Kids? Seems like that is the trend for today's Millennials, the generation with the highest rates of pet ownership so far.

Awesomely Awkward Documentary Features Dogs, Dancing and Kites [Video]

It's a real-life Best in Show! Unleashed! A Dog Dancing Story follows a group of dog dancers on their journey to perform in a theatrical gala performance.

HABRI Research Finds Emails to Dog Owners Prompts More Exercise

??Do you need a reminder to walk your dog? Research shows that email prompts to owners motivate them to get up and get moving with their pooch.

Share How Awesome Your Dog Is With The World With

Your dog needs his own website – set one up in minutes with Ever wish there was a social network where you could post unlimited photos of y…

Bizarre News: World’s Richest Dog Has 8 IPhones 7s

Coco Wang, the pet of Chinese multi-billionaire Wang Sicong, lives the life of opulent luxury and now has eight new iPhone 7s to let the world know!

Survey Finds Dogs Influence Home Buying More Than Children

A recent survey from SunTrust reports that millennials are more influenced by their dogs than their children when it comes to buying a house.

Experts Warn: Blue-Green Algae Potentially Lethal to Dogs

Harmful algal blooms that can be found in New York State's fresh water are known to be toxic to dogs, and, in some cases, even fatal.

Survey Finds Young Adults Would Rather Buy Than Adopt A Dog

Even with all the PSAs circulating that tout adoption as the most humane way to bring a dog into a household, it turns out that young adults would rather buy…

Highly Contagious Canine Flu Making The Rounds In Los Angeles

Los Angeles County officials are warning pet owners that a strain of the canine flu is going around, so be on the lookout for symptoms.

The Barking Garage Parks Your Dog While You Shop

It's hard to believe that people leave their dogs in cars while they shop. The Barking Garage has a solution - a mobile, air-conditioned trailer for dogs!

New Airplane Pet Monitoring System Gives Pet Parents Peace of Mind

Following the death of a puppy on a United Airlines flight, a new pet monitoring system ensures that furry family members are safe when they fly.

Study: Oxytocin Hormone Draws Dogs to Smiling Faces

The modulating role of hormone oxytocin in canine emotional processing has been confirmed, and it might change the way we communicate with our dogs.

PetPace Smart Collar Used in New Canine Epilepsy Study

PetPace creates the first epileptic biometric database for dogs, working with leading universities and veterinary hospitals using Smart Collar for pets.

‘CHiPs’ Star Erik Estrada Donates Drug Sniffing Dog To Police Depa

'CHiPs' star Erik Estrada, aka Officer Poncherello, donates a narcotics dog to an Idaho police agency, where he is a reserve police officer.

Study: Childhood Pets May Affect Decisions To Live Vegetarian Lifestyl

A new study has found a connection between those who chose a vegetarian lifestyle and also owned pets as children, claiming that those who owned pets as chil…