Ask The Hairy Dogfathers: Opinions Breed Ignorance

Everyone has an opinion, but when they're uninformed, they're a pain in the butt! The Hairy Dogfathers weigh in on people who comment on your dog's size.

My Dog Has Fleas – What Do I Do?

Your dog won’t stop itching, you go in for a closer look with a comb, and it’s confirmed… “My dog has fleas!” Now what do you…

Ask the Hairy Dogfathers: Doggy Chaperon Woes

Two's company, three's a crowd... especially when an overprotective Rottweiler is involved! Here's how you can make room for another person in your pack.

Ask The Hairy Dogfathers: It’s A Groomin’ Rainbow Nightmare

What happens when a groomer turns your dog's do into a rainbow don't? Before you get snippy, ask the Hairy Dogfathers what they would do in this situation.